【MT软件修改】AZIP Master 3.1.9 破解版 解锁永久vip会员功能/免登录/直装版 破解教程

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AZIP Master








AZIP Master is a extract files app, RAR ZIP file decompressor that is trusted by millions of users worldwide.文章源自灵鲨社区-https://www.0s52.com/jc/mtjc/12570.html

AZIP Master is an app to manage files, create archives in ZIP or 7Z file formats. Unpack numerous archive file formats: unZIP (extract ZIP files), unRAR (extract RAR files), etc. As a stable application - AZIP Master is an attractive choice for mobile users around the globe.文章源自灵鲨社区-https://www.0s52.com/jc/mtjc/12570.html

AZIP Master - ZIP extractor will help you:
✔️ Decompress multiple files at once quickly
✔️ Create packaged ZIP, 7Z archives
✔️ Quickly unZIP: open zipped files with extract file ZIP, RAR, 7Z feature
✔️ Extract file format types: RAR, ZIP, ZIPX, JAR, 7Z, GZ, TGZ, BZ2, BZ, TBZ, TBZ2, XZ, TXZ, LZ, TLZ, TAR, ISO, LZH, LHA, ARJ, Z , TAZ, 001, etc.
✔️ File transfer: transfer files via Hotspot or WiFi quickly
✔️ Compression and decompression using Background Mode to save resources
✔️ Integrity check for compressed files
✔️ Supports large compressed files
✔️ Easily choose the archive format and size
✔️ Password to protect compressed files and create ZIP with password
✔️ Share zipped files, extract easily文章源自灵鲨社区-https://www.0s52.com/jc/mtjc/12570.html

The highlights of AZIP Master
⭐ Smart File Picker: Smart file picker helps you to gather files and compress files extremely convenient
⭐ Allows multitasking, decompressing multiple files at the same time
⭐ Easily browse files and folders: photos, videos, music, documents, etc.
⭐ Arrange documents neatly
⭐ Recently used files appear right on the main screen, you don't need to search for
⭐ Send archived files quickly via email, message,...
⭐ Connect with Google Drive to sync your online documents, so you can compress & extract files from Google Drive right on this app.
⭐ Nice interface, easy to open RAR or unZIP files exceptionally fast文章源自灵鲨社区-https://www.0s52.com/jc/mtjc/12570.html

❓ Why do you need to compress files ❓
- Quick sharing: The compression is like gathering files in one place and then packing them. This action helps you send multiple documents at the same time, it’s extremely convenient and fast.

- Keep the quality of photos, videos when sharing: You can pack (compress) before sharing if you want to send multiple photos, videos, audios... without losing their quality.

- Space saving: By compressing documents and archiving files, AZIP Master helps you organize documents neatly, tidy to save maximum memory space.

- Data security: AZIP Master supports compressing and decompressing with passwords. As a result, the important and sensitive files will be totally protected.

Download AZIP Master file compressor and file extractor NOW and enjoy many advanced features.???


Please rate 5⭐ for the file compression and decompression application.

Email us or leave a comment here, any useful ideas are welcome. Your contributions will help us continue to develop a better AZIP Master in future versions.





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